Freaks for Not Being Free?
Hey All-
Someone who downloaded or attempted to download one of my creations commented on the item - asking why meshes were not free - then proceeded to say "freaks".
I didn't think that was a polite thing to say - especially when I am NOT the one who decides what is free and what is not at TSR.
At my personal website (currently under construction to redesign the site) I ONLY use meshes that creators have given permission to freely use. I ALSO INCLUDE EVERY mesh WITH THE CREATION for everybody's convenience.
I say that if people choose to use TSR, they KNOW that some creations are NOT free and if they don't like it, they shouldn't use TSR.
I wrote back a comment to the person saying this:
"Hello - I have no doing with what TSR decides is free or not. I didn't appreciate your comment - it wasn't very nice. Everything of mine can be downloaded WITH the free meshes at MY site. (Note it is down for maintenance right now) At my site I ONLY use meshes that creators give free permission to use and I INCLUDE it with the download. I hope you have a nice day - and perhaps think twice in the future before using the word freak to describe somebody who tries to bring nice creations to everybody."
I create because I love to and even more so because I love to share - please do not attack me for decisions that are made that are NOT my own.
I wish everyone a great day and Happy Simming!